Thank you, thank you, thank you !

The loving way my issues were identified and dealt with and healed was fantastic. The wonderful techniques and tips for conducting my self to get what I want and need were invaluable. Lani’s deep knowledge, compassion, experience and genuine commitment to helping women to be the best they can be, is pure magic!
 Jenny, Newcastle

The weekend was fabulous, I loved all of it and it was very powerful and I want to learn more about myself as a sexy, sensual woman. Thank you Lani, you are fabulous at what you do, and the healing in the women was so honorable. What an amazing bunch of women we are, and what an amazing weekend!
Sharon, Birmingham Gardens

I really loved the feeling of being validated as a woman and feeling like I would be given as much time and love as I needed every moment something was being learnt or revealed. I would love the training to be longer, because it was absolutely amazing !
Suzanne, Newcastle
I loved the safety that was created and Lani’s soft, open heartedness and presence. Lani you embody woman, goddess and whore, tears and laughter and love. Thank you!
Donna, Islington
I learnt so much about myself and about my sexuality and sensuality. I really loved the dress up, it was really helpful in drawing out my deeper feelings. I loved the sharing and the willingness of each woman to explore her emotions and the deeper and issues around her womanhood. More Power to  you Lani !
Marlita, Charlestown
I thoroughly enjoyed it, I loved everybody’s honesty and openness, and I loved how we where all able to really let go. I thought it was wonderful, wonderful, wonderful and I’ll definitely do this again. The touch and taste sensations were just beautiful and really awakening. It was all fantastic. Lani, I just can’t thank enough, it was amazing !
Linda, Blackalls Park

I loved being able to spend time focusing on myself and on being feminine. I loved the body image drawing and the senses experience and I loved the help and support to be more feminine. I love the way you work with women, you see our beauty and help us to see it in ourselves.
Tracey, Stockton
I loved all of the things we did this weekend, in particularly enjoying our bodies, and the heart opening and sensual exercises. I enjoyed finding out more about women and sex, it was very insightful and an awakening experience. Lani you speak from experience & deep wisdom & I thank you for sharing yourself with all of us this weekend. I will be telling my girlfriends all about this and inviting them to come along as well. All women need to do this work.
Sally, Queensland

I loved being able to start to open my womanhood more within a safe environment. Lani, keep doing this work, women need to know who we are, and as we remember, the world will be a better place. Thank you for teaching me how to remember.
Theresa, Speerspoint

What a fantastic weekend ! I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to share stories and individual healing experiences. I enjoyed all of the activities and I feel so much more feminine. I know that I will continue to receive the benefits of this workshop long after this weekend.
Jane, Newcastle 
I am so grateful for the gentleness and the support I felt in being able to let go of my old patterns. I felt so safe and supported. I’m a new woman and I deeply thank you Lani.
Kayleen, Mount Hutton
I loved the whole weekend! I loved all of the sharing and the opportunities to explore ourselves and our emotions with honesty and safety. So much passion was shared and I really loved and appreciated the information about the feminine and masculine, I want to share this wisdom with everyone. Thank you beautiful Lani, it was awesome and I’d definitely do it again.
Tracey, Queensland